
+385 97 748 8147


Tina Zupancic with daughter Mia, Karlovac
My 12 year old daughter “Mia” had more than 30 hours of riding lessons. I spent a lot of money on it. Now we came to the “Little Forest Ranch” and she learned the basics in just four riding lessons.
We are very glad we found the Little Forest Ranch.
Thank you Maria Magdalena for the adventurous rides.
See you 🙂


Marijana Mikulec, Duga Resa
The  sun shines most beautifully in Gršćaki☀️💙🐎🐎🐎🐎Francesca cute🐾🥰
It’s nice to watch my daughters🤩 live my dreams💜


Marijana Jurkovic, Samobor Eto dragi ljudeki ako volite konje i ako zelite uzivat u prirodi ili mozda ako zelite nekoga malisana razveseliti slobodno dodite i probajte poslje toga cete biti jako sretni i zadovoljni a da dodete do njih morate se javiti gore navedenoj osobi zena prica njemacki i egleski i nesta malo hrvatskog …🙂🙂🙂
Here are dear people if you love horses and if you want to enjoy nature or maybe if you want to cheer up a little one feel free to come and try it after that you will be very happy and satisfied and to get to them you have to contact the above person woman speaks German and English and disappears a bit Croatian … 🙂🙂🙂

Josipa Profozic, Duga Resa
Draga Marija, također bih ti htjela reći da imaš lijepe i tako voljene konje. Morate ih jednostavno voljeti
Dear Maria, I would also like to tell you that you have beautiful and so loving horses. You just have to like them

Melatti Braam, London UK This was a looot of fun!! Thanks Maria!

Dutch family Thank you very, very much for the ride Maria! We’ve enjoyed ourselves a lot. The horses are wunderful, the scenery is stunning and Maria is a great help. Our three (unexperienced) kids said they had a briljant experience and were thrilled when they returned. We would definitely recommend this ride. Listen to Maria and enjoy this part of Croatia in a beautiful way. We hope this helpt you to attract more customers so they can enjoy themselves as much a we did. With regards, Ilse and the boys

Das Reiten war wunderschön und sehr entspannend selbst für jemanden, die noch nie geritten ist! Herzlichen Dank für den super tollen Ausritt!
Tanja Feil mit Töchter Annika und Lucia aus Haunwang, Bayern/Deutschland
The riding was beautiful and very relaxing even for someone who has never ridden! Thank you very much for the great ride!
Tanja Feil with daughters Annika and Lucia from Haunwang, Bavaria / Germany

Liebe Maria Magdalena, ich hatte die Ehre “Sunny Boy” als erster Reiter im Gelände zu Reiten. Wir hatten viele schöne sowie lustige Ausritte 😅 Danke für die schöne lehrreiche Zeit, die ich nie vergessen werde 😉 Manu Kellerer, Ingolstadt/Deutschland
Dear Maria Magdalena, I had the honor of riding “Sunny Boy” as the first rider in the field. We had a lot of nice and funny rides 😅 Thank you for the wonderful, instructive time that I will never forget 😉 Manu Kellerer, Ingolstadt / Germany

Vesna Brajak, Karlovac
Jedan (ne)običan dan utpopunjen netaknutom prirodom, plemenitim životinjama i prijateljima Maria Magdalena Gaigl-hvala na otkriću, Antonio Bišćan na vođenju i jednostavnosti i naposljetku mojoj sestrični, Alenka Brajak na veselju i druženju😊🐴🐎🏇👌💗😊John Wayne bi nam bio zavidan😄😄Little Forest Runch👌😊😍
One (unusual) day filled with untouched nature, noble animals and friends Maria Magdalena Gaigl-thank you for the discovery, Antonio Bišćan for guidance and simplicity and finally my cousin, Alenka Brajak for joy and socializing😊🐴🐎🏇👌💗😊John Wayne would help us was envious😄😄Little Forest Runch👌😊😍

Petra Kasunić, Karlovac
Apsolutno nikad nije kasno da naučiš nešto novo u životu. Uskoro me očekujte kako preskačem prepone s konjima 😂😂
I apsolutno nikad nije kasno za stvoriti nova prijateljstva u životu. Hvala Maria Magdalena Gaigl ❤️ Today was a great day ❤️Predivno je sve tamo
It is absolutely never too late to learn something new in life. Expect me to jump over the crotch with the horses soon 😂😂
And it is absolutely never too late to make new friendships in life. Thank you Maria Magdalena Gaigl ❤️ Today was a great day ❤️Wonderful everything is there


Ana Marčac, Duga Resa
Prekrasno iskustvo… Prvi puta na jahanju… Strah je zamjenila sreća i neopisiv osjećaj… Hvala Irena Kralj… ♥️Hvala Maria Magdalena Gaigl & Little Forest Ranch…❤️ Preporuka svima koji žele uživati… Mi smo oduševljeni ♥️🐎🐎🐎🌲🍀☘️🌿